Friday, November 12, 2010

And Then Allah Most High Owned Him

This is about Maulana Tariq Jamil Sahab (DB), the man who brought revolution in the lives of those people who live under the spotlight. But that is just the tip of proverbial iceberg. If the tapes of one's speeches are played in the unlit streets of neighbouring countries then it can be taken as a sign of the fact that Allah Most High has chosen him for a special service. It is exciting because it is happening just in front of our eyes. May Lord Most High preserve him and increase his stature.

Born in a traditional landlord family he initially spurned the attempts of the brothers in Jama-at. But finally ended up there. After hundred and a score of days in Jama-at, he left his medical studies and decided to pursue religious studies. As a result of leaving his medical studies his parents disowned him. 

And then Allah Most High owned him.

(Gleamed by Ahmed at Haq Islam from