Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hazrat Ibraheem bin Adham (QS)

Hazrat Shaikh (DB) told the oft repeated story of Hazrat Ibraheem bin Adham (QS) in which he gets the inspiration to roam around the kingdom and lands up in a mosque from where he is forcefully ousted because there had been prayer mat thefts earlier and then he meets a man who had been praying for three things for twenty years. He got them : (1) To see Ibraheem bin Adham, (2) To Repent on his hands and (3) To leave this world in his (Hazrat Adham's)  presence.

The story never gets old or stale. How delicately Allah Most High arranges the things for his preferred servants? When the reality of the attribute Samad sinks in and overwhelms then this indulgence with the humble servants is a great solace for our Lord Most High is Most Kind too.

(Based on sitting (majlis) on Friday, December 31, 2010)