Delicate Responsibilities of Muslims
Human nature is the same as it was earlier. Affection, love, service, sympathy, clean character and good deeds areas honourable today in its view as they ever have been. People think that in this market place like world and this auction stage where principles and characters are sold for dimes there is no value of such things and there is no buyer for them. But the reality is that rarer is a commodity more will be its utility. Such periods do come in the lives of sick nations-periods when the taste of their mouth goes bad and all these truths become meaningless and worthless for them. But all thanks to Lord our homeland has not reached such a stage. Here a call of love, an act of affection still retains the ability to mold hearts and imprison people. Today the whole humanity is thirsting for every single drop of this water of life. If Muslims come forward to do the correct display of complete and charming peace, act by their life the action which has all of these human and moral values collectively then there is no way in which it will refuge to honour us the way if has honoured and cured humanity in all times.
Maulana Syed Muhammed Al Hasani (RA)
Tamir-e-Hayat, 10 June, 2010 AC