Monday, September 13, 2010

Sounds Like Muhi-us-Sunnah (RA)

Time: Nearly Two Decades Ago
Place: Bhubaneswar in Eastern India
Occasion: Eid-ul-Fitr
Venue: Main Mosque, Unit-IV
Moment: After the Sermon Following Eid-ul-Fitr Prayers

The Imam announces that after Eid Prayers people indulge in the act of embracing each others. This action is not verifiable by Sunnah.

Wait a minute. Not verifiable by Sunnah? That sounds like Muhi-us-Sunnah (RA)!

These are the blessings of the People of Allah. Muhi-us-Sunnah (RA) was  there far away in Hardoi and the benefits are reaching the land of erstwhile Bengal.

That year no body indulged in the act of embracing after the prayers. People of Allah utter the things that have been told by the Prophets (AS) of Lord Almighty. Hence their words have the backing of Lord Himself. Sometimes the power of the words liked by Lord Almighty is there in public for all to see.

If you ask any non-Muslim, particularly in India, about Muslims and Islam then invariably the act of embracing after Eid Prayers is identified as a signature of being a practicing Muslim. An act that is not verifiable from Sunnah has become the identity of Muslims. It is even there in the school text books. The impression that gets registered in the minds of the people is that Muslims are those people who embrace each other after Eid Prayers.

And it is Lord Most High Who must be thanked for every blessing. When we are guided towards Sunnah from ignorance it is a blessing from Lord Most High. O Lord Most High we thank you for your guidance. From darkness to light. And, O Lord Merciful, take not away your blessings from us because of our failings and shortcomings. Ameen.