Monday, September 6, 2010

The Philosopher and the Shaikh

A philosopher ended up in the company of a Shaikh. He was enjoying the preaching and the teachings. Then he said that I am getting some bad smell. The Shaikh congratulated him. He was puzzled. Your philosophy is leaving you and that is the smell you are getting. No, no this is the earning of my life time I do not want to loose it. Saying this he left the Shaikh.

Much later the Shaikh got a premonition that the philosopher is at his death bed and Satan, the cursed has arrived and is trying to mislead him away from Islam at the last moment of his life. "Give me an argument that the God you believe in exits", demanded the cursed Satan. The philosopher gave an argument. Satan thought over it and gave a counter argument. "Try again", said the cursed Satan. The philosopher gave another argument. Satan, the cursed refuted this one also. After that it became the rut. The philosopher will give an argument and the cursed Satan will refute it. There was the danger of ill end of this person. At this moment the Shaikh through his ablution vessel and said that why don't you say that I believe in Allah Almighty without any argument? Allah Almighty got it transpired in the mind of the philosopher and on his assertion to that effect the cursed Satan retreated.

(Sitting (majlis) on Friday, September 3, 2010)