Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Imran Ahmed Sahab

Imran Sahab is a neighbour of Hazrat Shaikh (DB) and one of the associates (mutalliqeen). A son of a former Commissioner, he was serving in the Gulf for many years. Came back to India to serve ailing parents. Started a school for kids. Asked Hazrat Shaikh (DB) for a name of the school. School is for gathering knowledge. Knowledge gives Light (noor). The name suggested is Al Noor. Thus we have Al Noor Public School in Pahasu House adjacent to Anona House. A serene person, he eases himself into the petty affairs of the sitting (majlis). In his school holidays his son too is seen indulging in the affairs of the sitting. In general the sitting is populated by the whole spectrum of people-from highly cultured to the people as raw as if they were born just now. Does it remind us of some other sittings? Indeed it does remind us about the sittings of the Holy Prophet, may Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him. And all thanks are due to our Lord, Lord of the Worlds for that.