Monday, September 13, 2010

Eid Break Broken

All Praise is due to our Lord Almighty only. May His Peace and Blessings be upon His Holy Prophet Muhammed. And on his blessed Companions. It is He Who sends his blessed month of Ramadan to His humble servants. And it is He Who rewards them with blessings of Eid. It He Who puts the happiness of arrival of the Holy month of Ramadan in their hearts. Verily He does not make anybody responsible beyond their respective capabilities. It is He Who fills the heart of the believers with sorrow on the departure of the Holy month of Ramadan. May Lord Most High fill the hearts of all believers with the attitude of valuing the month that just departed us. The blessed month has departed with a message. This month will return after eleven months again. But some of us might not be there to welcome this guest of Allah Most High. The better thing for us all is to spend the rest of our time in repentance before our Lord Most High. May Lord Most High engage us in repentance before Him for the rest of our time on this earth. Ameen.