Sunday, February 27, 2011

Arrow That sas Left the Bow

An arrow that has left the bow does not return. This is the Habit of Allah Most High. But Supplications sometimes changes even this. Once a plane took off in time but many passengers were left behind. These were Haj pilgrims. After covering half the distance the pilot realized that the fuel will not be sufficient to cover the rest of the journey. He could have headed for Dubai or Karachi for refueling but  soon High Hazrat (RA) saw signs boards in Hindi on the ground. The plane was back to Bombay (now Mumbai). All the Haj pilgrims that were left behind were all accommodated. Moreover a passenger got down from the plane because of some reason and the plane took off without him-he could not take the flight again!

(Sitting (majlis), Sunday, February 27, 2011AC)