
Friday, September 24, 2010

Kashmir Again

In summer people head to hill stations. To see beautiful scenes and for good weather. If we ponder over them then that is a significant source of knowing Lord Most High. Got a chance to visit Kashmir. There we were at the bank of a river. The water was very cold. It has rained too. That is when Lord Most High put a an idea in the heart. It was suggested to the companion that let us Pray two units of optional Prayers. There is a lake in Kashmir that is eighteen miles long ans a mile deep. Just imagine how deep the oceans will be? There was a guest house at the lake where you could see different colours of water. There is a well in Haram that is accessible to selected people only. It is two hundred feet deep. After zum zum its water is second in holiness. If you ponder over these things then you'll get affinity with Lord Most High. Look at all these things with the purpose of seeking admonition.

(Sitting on Thursday, September 23, 2010)